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3 challenges of planning a flexpool


Planning a flexpool can be extremely complex. You are dependent on the availability of employees, clients who want specific quality requirements of employees or certain materials. This can vary from a flexpool in the care sector to a flexpool in the public sector. Fleks lists the biggest challenges for you, because most of your time is spent trying and measuring.

  1. Not prepared for last-minute changes

For employment agencies, planning often consists of many different aspects. Because of this, things can often change at the very last minute. Think of an employee who is unexpectedly ill or simply does not show up, or an important customer who has a last-minute assignment that really needs to be fulfilled. Worst case scenario, all of the above at the same time. You as the pool manager must then come up with a solution and start making calls. This takes up a lot of time!


What is the solution? Within the planning software of Fleks, there are several possibilities to solve these last-minute changes. You can share services with us, when you make a connection with another agency. Then together, you can ensure an optimally filled planning, with an infinite flexpool. Perhaps your connection still has available employees in his/her flexpool. You can also send push notifications with open shifts in the app. So if you have a last-minute cancellation, your flexpool gets a signal immediately. This saves you a lot of time as a pool manager and the flexpool does not receive unnecessary phone calls about changes. 


  1. Poor communication

Filling a flexpool schedule is incredibly complicated. You have to take all the wishes and people into account. Employees who wonder why they are scheduled somewhere or who are scheduled very late for a particular shift. They may arrive at their location completely unprepared for what is to come. This can all cause friction between the pool manager and the flexpool.

How do you solve this? Keep in touch with your workers! Fleks has the communication module, with which you can send simple push and personal messages. This way, you can always update your flexpool on the latest developments of their service and they will start feeling satisfied.

Is this not enough? You can upload videos with explanations and instructions of the work they will do on location. Then you can give them a fun quiz to test if they are really ready! This way you are open to your employees about what is needed for that working day and they know exactly what to expect.


  1. No participation of flexpool

Nowadays, employee satisfaction is a must and one of the most important factors for a successful company. It even seems to be the case that satisfied employees work harder and this in turn results in higher customer satisfaction! But now the important question remains: how do you ensure that your flexpool is satisfied and how do you keep them satisfied?

Flexpool employees find it important to be heard. If they did not like their shift or if there were problems, they want to share this. Within Fleks you can have your flexpool fill in an evaluation about their shift. This way you receive feedback about the project, but also about the client they worked for, perhaps a new client. Win-win! You give your flex employees the feeling that they are being heard and you can take their wishes into account next time.

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